Beach Cameras and Image Analytics

Two Australian companies have come together to provide an excellent beach safety capability!

As populations increase and the desire for outdoor activity is magnified through the real or potential threat of lockdowns, attendance at our beaches rise. In many cases, constraints on council rates or reduced income from facilities or services associated with COVID-19 also means additional pressure on budgets for beach safety and amenity.  These long and short term trends have driven a push to increase the use of technology to leverage the finite human resources of lifeguards, rangers and other persons in keeping our beaches safe and serviced. 

Spectur Limited and Unleash live can now provide peace of mind for measuring  beach utilisation on local, remote and unpatrolled beaches.  The offering utilises  a combination of solar powered platforms including cameras, lights, speakers and internet connectivity with edge and cloud artificial intelligence to provide real time data for fast decision making when lifeguards cannot or are not present. 

Some of the features include:

  • Real time viewing in HD or 4k beach conditions from web portals or phone apps.

  • Connectivity to tagged shark systems or other IoT warning sensors.

  • Ability to activate loud and programmable spoken warnings with warning lights, suitable to advise people to evacuate the water or similar (whilst observing compliance or otherwise)

  • Ability to accurately and consistently measure the number of people on a beach, to understand usage patterns and even assess social distancing practices.

Additional optional features can include 2-way VOIP emergency phones, connected with video and audio to first responders and even a digital remotely-programmable sign board.  All of this from a fully wireless, easily installed solar platform.

Human resources are finite and should be focused on what only lifeguards do best. Save lives. This offering unlocks the power of finite resources to maintain safety across a wider geographic footprint at minimal cost. 

To find out more, click here

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