The Coastal Safety Group


You may have noticed the recent re-branding of the Smart Beaches website. We are pleased to introduce to you the NSW Local Government Coastal Safety Group!

The Group is founded by Beach Safety experts from Lake Macquarie City, Waverley, Randwick, Sutherland and Woolongong City Councils.

During the 2019/20 year 49 lives were lost on NSW coastlines. 45% of these were at the beach and a further 22% from rock ledges and cliffs. The most common activities prior to drowning were swimming and rock fishing. Sadly, this a a further increase to a 16-year average of 42.

The need for a cohesive, collaborative approach amongst Councils was highlighted in 2020/21 following a spate of issues including:

  • COVID responses on beaches across LGA's.

  • Inconsistent messaging to the public across Councils regarding beach safety rules and regulations.

  • Councils being consulted individually on policy changes (such as the Australian Maritime Safety Authority Personal Watercraft policy) leading to individual submissions and a lack of a cohesive voice across the region.

The Coastal Safety Group broadens the Smart Beaches vision from just Beach Safety Technology. The Group aims to facilitate collaborative, effective and consistent evidence-based approaches to coastal safety risk management across all NSW Coastal Councils. We work to harness the individual and collective knowledge of our member’s, academic experts and other coastal safety stakeholders to take leadership on coastal safety management.

The Group offers a cohesive voice for advocacy on behalf of Councils responsible for Coastal Safety.

Ultimately the Coastal Safety group aims to provide safer beaches for the public.

To find out more please visit


COVID Best Practice Guidance for Beaches


Sutherland Shire Council carries out rock fishing rescue exercises